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About Lauren Richardson


Lauren received her masters in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University in 2012.  For the past 10 years she has worked for an agency that treats individuals suffering with severe and persistent mental illness.  During this time, she developed and directed a family services program which assists families in navigating crisis and major transitions.

Lauren opened up her private practice in Solvang in 2016 where she treats individuals, families and couples.  She is also a fully credentialed clinical supervisor and has a background working with eating disorders.

My Mission

My mission is simple.  I help people learn how to take control of their lives and realize their potential.  Life is too short to be controlled by old beliefs that no longer serve you.  I have learned that people often don’t realize how small their world has become as a result of anxiety, depression or unhealthy relationships.  In our sessions, I help you gain awareness and understanding of these obstacles while developing life changing skills that can free you from unnecessary emotional burdens.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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